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This is “Rick Cogley Live”, my blog with short and more frequent posts about my interests.</em></p><p><em>I decided to blog this way and post links to my content, instead of supplying my content to social networks. Controlling your own content is inherently better than relinquishing control.</em></p><p><em>~Rick Cogley</em></p><hr><ul class="list ph3 ph5-ns pv4"><li class="dib mr2 grow"><a href="/" aria-label="First" class="f3 br2 no-underline link white bg-dark-pink hover-washed-yellow bg-animate hover-bg-dark-blue"><span aria-hidden="true">««</span></a></li><li class="dib mr2 grow"><a href="#" aria-label="Previous" class="f3 br2 no-underline link white bg-dark-pink hover-washed-yellow bg-animate hover-bg-dark-blue"><span aria-hidden="true">«</span></a></li><li class="dib mr2 grow"><a href="/" class="f3 br2 no-underline link white bg-gold hover-washed-yellow bg-animate hover-bg-orange">1</a></li><li class="dib mr2 grow"><a href="/page/2/" class="f3 br2 no-underline link white bg-dark-blue hover-washed-yellow bg-animate hover-bg-orange">2</a></li><li class="dib mr2 grow"><a href="/page/3/" class="f3 br2 no-underline link white bg-dark-blue hover-washed-yellow bg-animate hover-bg-orange">3</a></li><li class="dib mr2 grow"><a href="/page/4/" class="f3 br2 no-underline link white bg-dark-blue hover-washed-yellow bg-animate hover-bg-orange">4</a></li><li class="dib mr2 grow"><a href="/page/2/" aria-label="Next" class="f3 br2 no-underline link white bg-dark-green hover-washed-yellow bg-animate hover-bg-dark-blue"><span aria-hidden="true">»</span></a></li><li class="dib mr2 grow"><a href="/page/4/" aria-label="Last" class="f3 br2 no-underline link white bg-dark-green hover-washed-yellow bg-animate hover-bg-dark-blue"><span aria-hidden="true">»»</span></a></li></ul><h2><a class="link dim dark-green" href="">Waseneko Waseda U Cat Circle</a></h2><article><header><div>Tuesday, 30 Jun, 2020</div></header><p></p><p>A blast from the past. We have been living in our new house for a month, and the three cats the neighbor who died had been feeding, are now visiting us in expectation. It made me think of this post.</p><p>At the Waseda University “Wasesai” festival on 4th Nov 2018, Akiko and I visited some club displays in the classrooms, to kill some time before our daughter’s concerts. One interesting one was the “Waseneko” circle. Here’s why it was cool:</p><p></p><footer class="pb4"><a href=""><nobr>Read more →</nobr></a></footer></article><h2><a class="link dim dark-green" href="">My Favorite Podcasts #TryPod</a></h2><article><header><div>Thursday, 23 Aug, 2018</div></header><p></p><p>I’m late to the party, but the Podcasts I listen to have been asking listeners to share their favorites on Social Media, so here goes.</p><p></p><footer class="pb4"><a href=""><nobr>Read more →</nobr></a></footer></article><h2><a class="link dim dark-green" href="">Having Trouble With Strava Apple Watch App?</a></h2><article><header><div>Friday, 29 Jun, 2018</div></header><p></p><p>Are you having trouble with the Strava Apple Watch app not picking up your heartrate or GPS data? Read on for one way to opt out of this buggy situation…</p><p></p><footer class="pb4"><a href=""><nobr>Read more →</nobr></a></footer></article><h2><a class="link dim dark-green" href="">Do Your Graffiti on an Ema Tablet</a></h2><article><header><div>Sunday, 17 Jun, 2018</div></header><p></p><p>An idiot 19-year-old tourist from America was <a href="">caught vandalizing store front shutters</a> in Shibuya. Apparently…</p><p></p><footer class="pb4"><a href=""><nobr>Read more →</nobr></a></footer></article><h2><a class="link dim dark-green" href="">Secondhand Smoke Second Priority in Japan</a></h2><article><header><div>Tuesday, 20 Mar, 2018</div></header><p></p><p>Well of <em>course</em> Japan isn’t going to live up to its Health Ministry’s promises to “ban indoor smoking”. Let me rant a little:</p><p></p><footer class="pb4"><a href=""><nobr>Read more →</nobr></a></footer></article><h2><a class="link dim dark-green" href="">Japan PSA: Fall Is Giant Hornet Season</a></h2><article><header><div>Monday, 1 Jan, 2018</div></header><p></p><p>Robert on Strava says he “just takes the stings and calls it free Vespa”, which is funny, but Asian Giant Hornets (<em>Vespa mandarinia</em>) in Japan are no joke. Read on to find out why:</p><p></p><footer class="pb4"><a href=""><nobr>Read more →</nobr></a></footer></article><h2><a class="link dim dark-green" href="">Riding a 50cc Scooter in Japan</a></h2><article><header><div>Monday, 4 Dec, 2017</div></header><p></p><p>Our daughter made her first purchase as an adult - a 50cc Honda Giorno (aka “Metropolitan” in some countries). She let me drive it, and I was smitten, so I bought my own. Read on to find out what I learned:</p><p></p><footer class="pb4"><a href=""><nobr>Read more →</nobr></a></footer></article><h2><a class="link dim dark-green" href="">Ignorant Sengun Joshi</a></h2><article><header><div>Thursday, 17 Aug, 2017</div></header><p></p><p>An article about <em>sengun joshi</em> in the Japan Times got my hackles raised. Here’s why:</p><p></p><footer class="pb4"><a href=""><nobr>Read more →</nobr></a></footer></article><h2><a class="link dim dark-green" href="">Even The Mighty Bullet Train</a></h2><article><header><div>Tuesday, 27 Jun, 2017</div></header><p></p><p>Even the super-reliable “shinkansen” bullet train has a glitch sometimes. Here’s what happened…</p><p></p><footer class="pb4"><a href=""><nobr>Read more →</nobr></a></footer></article><h2><a class="link dim dark-green" href="">What's Up</a></h2><article><header><div>Wednesday, 21 Jun, 2017</div></header><p></p><p>Been super busy. It’s full-on rainy season or “tsuyu” and the hydrangeas are out (beautiful). Here’s what’s been up…</p><p></p><footer class="pb4"><a href=""><nobr>Read more →</nobr></a></footer></article><ul class="list ph3 ph5-ns pv4"><li class="dib mr2 grow"><a href="/" aria-label="First" class="f3 br2 no-underline link white bg-dark-pink hover-washed-yellow bg-animate hover-bg-dark-blue"><span aria-hidden="true">««</span></a></li><li class="dib mr2 grow"><a href="#" aria-label="Previous" class="f3 br2 no-underline link white bg-dark-pink hover-washed-yellow bg-animate hover-bg-dark-blue"><span aria-hidden="true">«</span></a></li><li class="dib mr2 grow"><a href="/" class="f3 br2 no-underline link white bg-gold hover-washed-yellow bg-animate hover-bg-orange">1</a></li><li class="dib mr2 grow"><a href="/page/2/" class="f3 br2 no-underline link white bg-dark-blue hover-washed-yellow bg-animate hover-bg-orange">2</a></li><li class="dib mr2 grow"><a href="/page/3/" class="f3 br2 no-underline link white bg-dark-blue hover-washed-yellow bg-animate hover-bg-orange">3</a></li><li class="dib mr2 grow"><a href="/page/4/" class="f3 br2 no-underline link white bg-dark-blue hover-washed-yellow bg-animate hover-bg-orange">4</a></li><li class="dib mr2 grow"><a href="/page/2/" aria-label="Next" class="f3 br2 no-underline link white bg-dark-green hover-washed-yellow bg-animate hover-bg-dark-blue"><span aria-hidden="true">»</span></a></li><li class="dib mr2 grow"><a href="/page/4/" aria-label="Last" class="f3 br2 no-underline link white bg-dark-green hover-washed-yellow bg-animate hover-bg-dark-blue"><span aria-hidden="true">»»</span></a></li></ul></main><footer class="tc center bt bg-washed-yellow b--near-white pa1 pb3"><small class="f5 mw7 db center phm lh-copy"><nav><ul class="list pln"><li class="dib prm"><a href=""><svg xmlns="" class="geomicon blue" viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="32" height="32"><use xlink:href="#github"></use></svg></a></li><li class="dib prm"><a href=""><svg xmlns="" class="geomicon blue" viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="32" height="32"><use xlink:href="#twitter"></use></svg></a></li></ul></nav><small class="gray dlig">Made with<svg xmlns="" class="dark-pink" viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="10" height="10"><use xlink:href="#heart"></use></svg> and <a class="link dim blue" href="" target="_blank"><b>Hugo</b></a> by <a href="//" class="link dim dark-green" target="_blank"><b>Rick Cogley</b></a> © 2023 <span class="dark-pink">(Ah (Kh (Qh (Jh (10h</span> Ownership <a class="link dim texthilite b" href="">proof</a>.</small></small> <small class="gray c2sc"><em>Updated: 2017-04-10 23:37:24 +0900 +0900 d33854b</em></small></footer><script async="" src=""></script><script>(function(e,t,n,s,o,i,a){e.GoogleAnalyticsObject=o,e[o]=e[o]||function(){(e[o].q=e[o].q||[]).push(arguments)},e[o].l=1*new Date,i=t.createElement(n),a=t.getElementsByTagName(n)[0],i.async=1,i.src=s,a.parentNode.insertBefore(i,a)})(window,document,"script","","ga"),ga("create","UA-1040233-9","auto"),ga("send","pageview")</script></body></html>